What Is Screen Cloaking Window Film?

Casper Cloaking Technology, developed by leading applied materials brand Designtex, is an advanced screen privacy window tint that in fact does just what its name suggests: it cloaks, or obscures, the view of screens. To be specific, it blocks the view of all larger LED and LCD screens, rendering those surfaces dark and indistinguishable to anyone outside a window, glass wall, or glass door with its interior coated by Casper window film.

Years of scientific development went into the creation of this film, which uses an advanced understanding of the properties of light to limit certain types of light emission while still permitting a crisp, clear view of others. When you look in through a window coated with Casper screen cloaking window tint, you will hardly notice it’s even there — until, that is, you take a look up at that LED monitor mounted in the wall at the end of the room and notice that all you see is a black screen, while everyone inside the room is nodding and smiling at the content they see.

Why Screen Cloaking Window Tint Is Superior to Previous Options

In the past, if you wanted to keep the contents of a presentation, video, or graphics private beyond the view of a select group, you had several options at your disposal, but all had significant drawbacks. The main tried-and-true approach to keeping information private was simply to block off the view into a conference room or office entirely. This could be done by applying privacy window film to glass walls and windows, blocking the view into the room.

One way privacy window tint could do this while still allowing a view out from inside the room so long as it was brighter outside the space in question; if lighting conditions changed, the one way window tint lost its efficacy.

Frosted privacy window tint blocks the view through glass surfaces in both directions, while still allowing light to pass through. It represents a fine way to ensure privacy for those inside a meeting and for the content on display on screens, but it does not foster the kind of open culture many offices prize. And both frost window tint and one way privacy window film are rather permanent; once applied, they can’t be removed and reapplied at will.

Curtains, drapes, and/or blinds are another common way to keep information private from those outside an office or conference space. These are good options because they can be early drawn or pushed aside, welcoming an open feel when merited, but their drawback comes for just the same reason: whenever a curtain is closed or blinds are lowered to block the view into a space that is usually visible, it elicits interest and even suspicion that can damage the trusting culture of a space and that makes clear there is something to hide in the first place.

Window Cloaking Tint Is Ideal for Professional Spaces

With Casper Cloaking Technology window film applied to the inside of glass walls, doors, and windows within the offices of a corporation, government entity, research facility, and beyond, the organization can foster an unbroken feeling of community while still allowing presentations and media to be kept private and discreet.

Because this cloaking film only blocks the view of LED and LCD screens, it renders monitors and televisions impossible to view from behind the space so treated while still allowing the people and other elements within to be seen clearly. That allows for the noting of who is in a given meeting, what their body language is saying, and other such factors, while still keeping the actual content being discussed private and secure.

This is precisely why so many proactive workplaces are doing away with the drapes, blinds, or even the old reams of butcher paper and tape that were once used to cover windows whenever sensitive data was about to be on display.

The Many Applications of Screen Cloaking Window Tint

Screen privacy window films were developed for and are primarily marketed to workplaces with offices and conference rooms where glass walls and windows are a major portion of the interior architecture. These privacy tints can block the view of wall-mounted screens and computer monitors, keeping the content displayed on the screen private and secure while not creating an exclusionary environment by allowing the people within the room to be clearly seen.

But screen cloaking window film has vastly more potential than to serve merely to block the view into meetings in offices. It can also be used, for example, to block the view of screens viewed through exterior windows. This can help a bar or restaurant prevent passersby from watching a paid televised event for free, or to allow a location to display material that might not be public for all viewers (based on age or other factors) without risk of offending anyone outside looking in. Screen privacy window film might even help to protect copyrighted material by preventing it from being seen outside of a permissible venue even if said venue has transparent windows, walls, or doors.

From the information displayed on a doctor or lawyer’s computer to the sales figures on a banker’s screen, any professional with a street level office will benefit from Casper Cloaking Technology films just as much as the people worried about unwanted intra office viewing of screens.

Achieving Privacy Need Not Damage Aesthetics

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Casper screen cloaking window film leaves an interior space looking almost identical to its pre-installation look save for the obvious enhancement of obscured screens and monitors. But should you desire even more privacy for a given space, Designtex offers multiple complimentary privacy films that can offer even more discretion to a space while still not fully obscuring the view in and damaging the open feel of a workspace.

The brand offers multiple window coatings that create patterns on the outside of windows that disrupt the clarity of the view in without fully obscuring the interior. Working in tandem with screen cloaking window tints, these films enhance privacy while still promoting an open, communal feel.