Whiteboard film for glass is a great low cost way to create a surface perfect for taking everyday notes, for enhancing professional presentations, for aiding classroom instruction, or for project development and management brainstorming sessions in a workplace. Adhesive dry erase film can be applied as a permanent feature of a room or it can be used to create a temporary writing surface: installation is efficient and easy and removal is fast and mess-free.

Replace or Refurbish Old Whiteboards with Whiteboard Film

After prolonged use, a whiteboard tends to look worn and dirty. Whether someone accidentally used the wrong kind of marker on its surface or if too many people simply left dry erase marker on the whiteboard for too long without cleaning it, eventually a dry erase board becomes an eyesore, and one that’s hard to read properly or use effectively in a classroom, professional, or artistic setting. Rather than replacing an entire dry erase board, though, simple resurface it with adhesive whiteboard film. This is a low cost, highly effective way to breathe new life into an old dry erase surface without any need for removal or installation of hardware.

Whiteboard Window Film for Offices

One of the most common features of many offices is the glass-walled conference room. This type of design creates a space that is both separated enough for frank conversation during meetings, but still creates a sense of openness and inclusivity for all employees and clients in the offices nearby. Glass walls do not afford much space for notes, diagrams, or presentations, though. That is unless you apply whiteboard window film, instantly creating a surface that’s perfect for dry erase markers. Put up dry erase window film temporarily, creating the whiteboard needed for the afternoon meeting, or install a sheet or two of dry erase film that will last indefinitely: either way, the process only takes a matter of minutes.

Whiteboard Film Wall Decoration

There’s no better way to make a child’s bedroom, an art studio, or any most any other room into a space that’s more fun and creative than by covering an entire wall in whiteboard film. Once a wall is covered in whiteboard film, the underlying surface is protected even as the exposed whiteboard surface invites endless scribbles, doodles, drawing, and notes. Foster artistic creativity and exploration in your children or your students by offering them a huge “canvas” on which to draw or write out their every idea.