Privacy is something that everybody wants, especially in their home or business but drapes and shades are outdated, they’re visually unappealing dust-gatherers and with time they fade.

Window Film is a great alternative to drapes. By applying film to your windows and doors you can increase privacy. Window film is low maintenance, it won’t gather dust and as an added bonus it blocks UV Rays which are responsible for fading of floors and furniture.

Frosted window film will give you the utmost privacy while still allowing light in. With a privacy frost you will get total privacy day and night.

There is also Decorative Frost for privacy and comes in over 100 different designs. With a decorative window film you can add any kind of design and a variety of textures.

All of the Films for privacy blocks 99.9% of UV rays, reduces 19% of glare and still allows 73% of light in. As an added bonus there is a lifetime residential warranty covering installation and film.

Window Tint LA offers a COMPLETELY FREE consultation and is open 7 days a week. Call us today and schedule your consultation at 310-935-1748
